We are glad to invite you to a collaborative soli-event between tribu.x and Kiebitz. The event is happening on the 08.04 to help out AmEnde neighborhood space for a fresh new start 💥🌟
The AmEnde, an open community space in the far west, is finally getting a kitchen.
Thanks to many motivated hands, the renovation is complete and only the equipment is missing.
The place is already being used by various groups and there will be regular KüfAs and other
events to bring the neighborhood together and create a non-commercial space for people to meet.
Book discussion:
Living left: AmEnde, it fails because of your kids…
Your idea of a life in solidarity was intact. Then came the kids. Suddenly there’s no room anymore in your shared flat. Your childless friends don’t care about your brats. Your life shrinks to a family flat and you realise: I have kids. What about the ideas of solidarity?
Nicola and Fabian share everyday stories from the book „Links leben mit Kindern“ and discuss with the audience.
Misc info:
A bar with drinks and tasty vegan snacks will be at your service on the night!
The place is barrier-free, including the toilet.
The event will be children-friendly until 21:00.
An awareness team will be present on the event to ensure a safe space for all.
Recommended donation 3-8 Eur. If your financial situation does not allow it you can come free of charge as well.
No Borders Spendesammlung:
The border between Poland and Belarus is still a place where people who seek safety pass through on a daily basis. On the event we collect donations of goods which will be handed to the people assisting these refugees. If you have spare smartphones, charging cables, powerbanks, handwarmers, waterproof mobile cases, winter shoes, bring them along! Donations can also be dropped at the Tante Emma Infokiosk (Georg-Schwarz 178).
Veranstaltende Gruppe: AmEndeKüchenCrew
Sprache des Events: Lesung in German
Eintritt: 3-8
Kategorien: Diese Veranstaltung exportieren: