Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens set out on a road trip through California in their E.A.R.T.H. Lab mobil unit. In their performative exploration, they look at the sexuality of water. They meet and interview numerous accomplices, including performance artists, biologists, water treatment plant workers and other scientists. They shift the metaphor of Mother Earth as a lover, offering a healing strategy to those who strive to find an equitable coexistence in a more-than-human sense. They look for reciprocal and empathetic relationships between humanity and the environment, but they also present hard facts about the exploitation of water, and allow Mother Earth herself to comment off-screen on their film.
Documentary, USA 2017
80 min, English with English subtitles
Regie/directed by: Beth Stephens, Annie Sprinkle
Einlass ab 19.30 Uhr, Beginn ab 20.15 Uhr
Link zur Veranstaltung:
Veranstaltende Gruppe: Denkmalsozial
Sprache des Events: Englisch
Eintritt: 6 €, 5 € ermäßigt
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