Dear Listeners,
the upcoming episode of BAD NEWS for TILIA is once more packed with plenty of contributions.
In the short news section of the show you gonna listen to short reports about the demo in solidarity with the 7 antifascists that turned them selves in after they where 2 years underground cause of the so called „Budapest Case“ that took place in Leipzig at the 20th of January, the blockades of the AFD congress in Risa and the demo in memorial of Oury Jalloh that took place in Dessau at the 7th of January.
And in the main Part of the show we will have 2 contributions done by comrades from Slovenia and Greece.
1st The hated and beloved Donald Trump became President of the united states of america once again. Črna luknja spoke to a US-based comrade from the anarchist network CrimethInc.
2nd The Parias show once again welcomed people from the open assembly against the pusbacks and border violence to the studio, this time to talk specifically about border violence in Greece, Frontex and militarization of the borders.
Tune in and enjoy the show !