[english below]
A-café. Anarchistischer Sonntagsbrunch – ein selbstorganisierter Raum für Interessierte: sich in ungezwungener Athmosphäre über Anarchismus und verwandte Lebensentwürfe austauschen.
Es gibt einen Kinderspace und Hunde sind willkommen. Kommt bitte getestet.
Ab 13:00 Uhr:
Der DIY-Mitbring-Brunch.
Kaffee und Tee werden von uns gestellt. Um ein buntes DIY-Buffet zu ermöglichen/ anzubieten, freuen wir uns über von euch mitgebrachte diverse vegane Köstlichkeiten.
Falls ihr Lust habt, eure Musik mit uns zu teilen, bringt gerne
MP3-Player, CDs, oder USB-Sticks mit. Es wird einen Infotisch geben, der
zwar schon gut gefüllt ist, aber immer gern ergänzt werden darf, um
nicht nur den Bauch, sondern auch den Kopf beim Brunchen auf Trab halten
zu können. Wir sind offen für weitere Vorschläge, und wenn du ein
spezielles Bedürfnis oder eine Idee hast, lass es uns wissen.
Ab 14:00 Uhr, Thema diesen Monat: „Solidarity Zone“
Presentation of „Solidarity Zone“ (Russia)
They began their work in the first months of full scale war, when they realised that some of those arrested for anti-war action left without any legal defense. Militant protesters, who set fire to administrative buildings or organise railway sabotage, or even accused of «preparing» for such actions, do not meet support criteria of liberal human rights organisations. But „Solidarity Zone“ sure, no one who act bravely against the war, should be left abandoned in prison. They say: „If we don’t see the possibility to defend the right to a fair trial, we could defend the right to revolt“.
Presentation will be hold in Russian with English translation.
( And we will try to provide some whisper translation to german as well)
Your friendly anarchist collective.
A-Café. Anarchist Sunday brunch — a self-organized place to meet, learn and find like-minded people, that happens once a month, every second Sunday.
Kids and dogs are welcome. Please come tested.
13.00 — DIY-Brunch.
Organizers will provide hot drinks (coffee and tea), but ideally those who want to join us should bring some vegan food to make our „menu“ diverse and DIY as much as possible.
If you want to share some music – bring a USB with files. There will also be an info-table. You can share news, get to know each other, or read some zine while eating.
14.00 – Topic of this month: „Solidarity Zone“
Presentation of „Solidarity Zone“ (Russia)
They began their work in the first months of full scale war, when they realised that some of those arrested for anti-war action left without any legal defense. Militant protesters, who set fire to administrative buildings or organise railway sabotage, or even accused of «preparing» for such actions, do not meet support criteria of liberal human rights organisations. But „Solidarity Zone“ sure, no one who act bravely against the war, should be left abandoned in prison. They say: „If we don’t see the possibility to defend the right to a fair trial, we could defend the right to revolt“.
Presentation will be hold in Russian with English translation.
( And we will try to provide some whisper translation to german as well)
Your friendly anarchist collective.
Link zur Veranstaltung: http://tribu-X.org/a-cafe
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