We invite you to the first activity that we will develop around our topic of focus: Right to the City, which we have called “We call it Home”. On this occasion we will enjoy the usual Wednesday KüfA in AmEnde and then we’ll watch a documentary about the process of gentrification and how it affects and deteriorates the quality of life of the inhabitants of our neighbourhoods. Afterwards, we will open the space for the exchange of ideas about what is happening in our city and seek the gaps in the system that allow us to think about opportunities for collective resistance.
This is just the beginning. Through the topics we are focused on “We call it Home” , we want to develop our understanding of the processes that are taking place in our city and neighbourhoods, as well as the alternatives of resistance and construction that we can present.
We use the title “We call it Home” to emphasise that the neighbourhoods we live in are much more than places to sleep or consume, they are places where we build relationships, where community is created and that this is an open door to autonomy and self-management of the commons. This is why it’s so important to defend our neighbourhoods because together we can resist and offer alternatives.
We invite you to participate in this and future initiatives. This work axis is a process in which we will learn, explore and get to know our neighbourhoods and our city. If you are interested, come to our activities and/or contact us.
Date: Wednesday 4th, December
Time: KüfA from 18 hrs; Film 20 hrs.
Location: AmEnde. (Georg-Schwarz-Str. 178, Leutzsch)
Link zur Veranstaltung:
Veranstaltende Gruppe: tribu.x
Sprache des Events: German & English
Eintritt: Free
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