Fight Fortress Europe – an activist perspective on the struggles at the Polish Belarussian border

Fight Fortress Europe - an activist perspective on the struggles at the Polish Belarussian border


Dienstag - 11.10.2022
17:00 - 19:00  


Universität Leipzig
Augustusplatz, Leipzig
Raum: Hörsaal 8
Rollstuhlgerecht? Ja
Campus Augustusplatz, Hörsaal 8

The north-eastern European migration route experienced a devastating renaissance last late summer. The border zone was shielded, walls were built and the so-called border protection was incredibly militarised. Despite this violent border policy,  people still try to cross the border and seek shelter in Europe. Activists that try to support people on the move on their way through the No Entry Zone face severe police repression.  Activists from the Polish-Belarusian border will talk about their struggles, the situation at the border and what support they might need.

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Veranstaltende Gruppe: CopWatch LE + Polish Activists

Sprache des Events: Englisch

Eintritt: free

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